- - ABC-INDEX - -


Doobutsu Animals and Amulets INFO

- tako, octopus - see below

Doobutsu 動物 Animals and Talismans

Some animals are sacred messengers of the deity at a shrine.

reijuu 霊獣 sacred animal

the sacred rhinoceros at Nikko Toshogu Shrine
sai 霊獣の犀(さい)


First and foremost for the animals we have

. The 12 Zociac animals 干支  eto, kanshi .

- - - - - including

. ne 子 (nezumi 鼠) Rat (mouse)
Ootoyo Jinja 大豊神社 Otoyo Jinja - 狛ねずみ

. ushi 丑 Ox (cow, bull) .
. Tenmangu shrines 天満宮 Tenjin shrines .
Ushijima Jinja 牛島神社

. tora 寅 Tiger .

. u (usagi) 卯 Rabbit, hare .
***** . Sumiyoshi Jinja 住吉神社 .
Tsuki jinja 調神社

. tatsu 辰 Dragon .

. mi (hebi) 巳 Snake, Serpent .
. Benten shrines 弁天 弁財天 .
***** Oomiwa jinja 大神神社 Omiwa Shrine

. uma 午 Horse .
Shirayama Hime Jinja 白山比咩神社
Samukawa Jinja 寒川神社

. mi (hitsuji) 未 Ram (sheep) .
Tamagawa Daishi 玉川大師 Tokyo

. saru 申 Monkey .
. Hiyoshi Taisha 日吉大社 山王 Sannoo .

. tori 酉 Rooster (chicken, cock) .
... shinkei 神鶏 sacred rooster
... kake かけ【鶏】 rooster
. Ise Grand Shrine 伊勢神宮, Ise Jingu .

. inu 戌 / 犬 Dog .

. i (inoshishi) 亥 Boar (wild boar) .
. Wake Jinja 和気神社 Okayama .

- - - - - and

. Petto omamori ペットお守り amulets for your pet .
- - - - - including
kingyo 金魚 goldfish amulet
uma 馬お守り amulet for horses


. komainu, koma inu 狛犬 "Korean Dog" shrine guardian .
- - - - -

. koma...  狛 shrine guardian animals .
komabato, koma no hato 狛鳩 guardian doves, dove
komagitsune, koma no kitsune 狛狐 guardian foxes
komainoshishi, koma inoshishi 狛猪 guardian wild boar
komaookami, koma ookami 狛狼 guardian wolves, wolf
komanezumi, koma nezumi  狛鼠 / 狛ネズミ guardian mice
komatobi 狛鳶 guardian black kite
komausagi, koma usagi 狛うさぎ guardian rabbit
komaushi, koma ushi 狛牛 guardian bull
komazaru, koma no saru 狛猿 guardian monkey


Other animals

. ei, aka-ei あかえい red manta .

. gumyooshichoo, gumyoo shichoo 共命之鳥 Gumyo Bird of Paradise .

hachi, mitsubachi 蜂 bee
***** . 二荒山神社 Futarasan Shrine, Nikko .

. hato 鳩 dove dolls .
- - - - - hatobue 鳩笛 pidgeon whistle, pidgeon flute
. Hachiman jinja 八幡神社 and the dove messenger .
Iwashimizu Hachimangu 石清水八幡宮 - Mitake Hachimangu 三宅八幡宮

. Inari 稲荷 the Fox Deity .
Inari shrines

inu 犬 chin 狆 Chinese spaniel dog

. Kaeru カエル 蛙 Frog Amulet - Frosch .
Hiki Daimyoojin 蟇大明神 the Great Frog Deity

. Kame 亀 turtle, tortoise .
and the Urashima Taro legend 浦島太郎
***** . Matsuo Taisha 松尾大社 Kyoto .
Nanao Tenjin Shrine 七尾天神社
Hokusei Jinja 北星神社

. Kappa Daimyojin 河童大明神 Great Deity Kappa .

. Karasu 烏 raven .
Kumano Hongu Taisha 熊野本宮大社
Ookunitama Jinja 大国魂神社 and a few others

kasasagi 鵲 magpie
Kashii Jinja 香椎神社

kiji 雉 pheasant
Keta Jinja 気多神社

. kinmedai 金目鯛 "Golden Eye" sea bream, alfonsino .

. koi 鯉 carp .
namazu なまず / 鯰 catfish legends and toys
taiguruma, tai kuruma 鯛車 sea bream with wheels
and other fish amulets

. mukade, hyakusoku 百足 centipede .
the deity Bishamonten 毘沙門天

ookami 狼 wolf
. Mitsumine Jinja 三峰神社 .
. Musashi Mitake Jinja 武蔵御嶽神社 .
Kamayama Jinja 釜山神社

. Oshirasama おしらさま silkworm .
Kaiko sama 蚕神 Silkworm deity , Kodama sama 蚕玉様
and Memyo Bosatsu 馬鳴菩薩

raichoo 雷鳥 snow grouse, ptarmigan
Kiso Sangake Jinja 木曽御獄神社

. Risu りすのおつげ Squirrel .
***** Hirano Jinja, Kyoto 京都 平野神社

sagi 鷺 snow heron, white egret
***** . Kehi Jinguu 氣比神宮 ー 気比神宮 Tsuruga .
Mishima Jinja 三島神社
Atsuta Jinja 熱田神宮
Saginomori Jinja 鷺森神社

. Shika 鹿 deer .
goshiki jika 五色鹿 deer in five colors
. Kasuga Shrine 春日大社 Kasuga-taisha - Nara .
. Kashima Shrine 鹿島神宮 Kashima Jingu .
. Itsukushima Shrine 厳島神社 Itsukushima Jinja . Miyajima
Ooharano Jinja 大原野神社 Oharano Jinja

shirohebi 白蛇 white serpent
- - - - - . Suwa Shrine 諏訪大社 Suwa Taisha .

. Tai, tai 鯛 sea bream, auspicious dolls .
- - - - - tai bonbori 鯛ぼんぼり sea bream lantern

tanuki 狸 racoon dog
. Eiyoo Gongen 栄誉権現 Venerable Guard Deity .
上野東照宮の栄誉権現社 at Ueno Toshogu Shrine, Tokyo
Yanagimori Jinja 柳森神社
Chingo doo 鎮護堂
. Tanuki and Kappa 狸 と 河童 -   .  

. tsuru つる/ 鶴 auspicious crane dolls .
- - - - - . Oosaki Hachimangu 大崎八幡宮 Osaki Hachiman Shrine .
***** . Suwa Shrine 諏訪大社 Suwa Taisha .

umihebi 海蛇 sea serpent -orochi 大蛇 big serpent
***** . Izumo taisha 出雲大社 Izumo Grand Shrine .

unagi 鰻 eel, Aal
Mishima Jinja 三嶋神社(Unagi Jinja うなぎ神社)

uso 鷽 bullfinch
. usokae うそ替え exchanging bullfinches .
at Tenmangu shrines 天満宮

. zoo 象 elephant, der Elefant - art motives .
. . . . . . Fugen Bosatsu 普賢菩薩 Samantabhadra .


external LINKS

source : kyoto-zoo.com/
List of animals related to shrines and temples in Kyoto


tako 蛸 / タコ octopus

. okutopasu - オクトパス - oku to pass - .
amulet to pass an examination and haiku

source : brogld.net/matchmaking
TAKO to find a good partner - 蛸壺が運ぶ蛸の縁

. tako sanbasoo 蛸三番叟 octopus dancing the Sanbaso .

source : kyuhaku-ningyo.jp...
modern doll, made by 坂本重三 Sakamoto Juzo , Mie Ise
8 cm high

. - more TAKO amulets from this blog - .

tako ningyoo 蛸人形 octopus dolls
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

蛸(タコ Octopus) / 蛸薬師堂 Tako Yakushi Hall


Reference 霊獣 reijuu mythical beasts


. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- #dobutsu #animalamulets #tako #octopus -


Goshiki suzu clay bells



Goshiki suzu, goshiki rei 五色鈴 five-colored clay bells
goshikisuzu, goshiki rei

The concept GOSHIKI "five colors" comes from Buddhist philosphy :

. Goshiki Daruma and Color Symbols
五色だるま .

. Clay Bells どれい【土鈴】 dorei .


- ABC - List of five-colored clay bells from the Prefectures


. . . . . . . . . . Aichi Folk Art - 愛知県 

Suzaki, Susaki jinja no goshiki suzu 洲崎神社の五色鈴

The small bells come in red, yellow, blue, green and white.

source : popyah/aichi

From 16596 to 1615, whileTokugawa Ieyasu had just started to build the town of Nagoya, there was an epidemy of illness, so he ordered the head priest of the shrine to pray for the people and make these bells to ward off the bad spirits.

Therefore they are also called
"clay bells to ward off an epidemy" 疫病除洲崎神鈴 shinrei

Each one of the bells resembles the nut of a Gingko biloba tree.
The string of the bells is made of paper, with a poem written on it.

shinrei 神鈴 "bell of the Gods" sacred bell

In Mie, Kuwana 桑名市
At the shrine 国幣大社 多度神社 Tado Jinja there is a legend about the bell.

- reference : nichibun yokai database -
206 Legends about all kinds of bells.


Shrine Suzaki Jinja

Deities in residence

Susano-o no Mikoto素戔鳴尊(すさのをのみこと)
Inada hime no mikoto 稲田姫命(いなだひめのみこと)
also called :
. Kushinadahime - Kushinada hime 櫛名田媛 .

The main festival in on July 13/14
Choochin matsuri 提灯祭  Lantern Festival

- quote
Susaki Shrine was founded in 860's.
This festival has been kept since in the Edo Period
At that time, this was one of the big festivals in Owari (Nagoya area).

Approximately 1,000 lanterns are displayed in the shrine yard.
Wa-kuguri (Chinowa-kuguri), Torii-kuguri and Jyunishi-mairi are also held.
- source : kikuko-nagoya.com/html

The shrine was venerated since very very olden times, as a deity of the stone resident here.

source : www.yumemusubi.com
Ishigami 石神 Stone Deity
futsumitama 布都御魂(ふつみたま)Futsu no mitama

In the Edo period, this shrine was one of the 10 big shrines of Edo Owari 江戸尾張十社, and frequented by the aristocracy and the Tokugawa shogun.

The shrine is now famous for amulets about finding a good match (enmusubi), luck with money, health, progress in studying and career for those in the entertainment business.

There is also a small shrine for the White Dragon of Long Life in the compound.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Near this shrine is the sacred Gingko tree of the compound 神木の銀杏.

More amulets of Susaki shrine :

source : www.lets-go-aichi.jp

. The Dragon Art Gallery – 2012 .


source : leoriel/diary
Totsuka no tsurugi 十握剣(とつかのつるぎ)
Futsunomitama 布都御魂(ふつのみたま)

Other names: Sajifutsu no kami, Mikafutsu no kami (Kojiki)

The personification of a divine sword.
At the time of Emperor Jinmu's campaign to the east, Amaterasu ordered Takemikazuchi to assist the beleaguered Jinmu, whereupon Takemikazuchi miraculously sent his divine sword Futsu no mitama to appear in the warehouse of Takakuraji in Kumano.
Takakuraji found the sword and presented it to Jinmu, whereupon Jinmu was enabled to complete his campaign. In Sendai kuji hongi, Futsu no mitama is called "Futsunushi no kami's sword of spirit," presented by Jinmu to Umashimaji as a prize for killing Nagasunehiko and submitting to the imperial forces.

It is believed to represent a divine sword worshiped by the martial clan Mononobe, who were instrumental in the early pacification of Japan, and is enshrined as the central deity (saijin) of Isonokami Jingū and other shrines.

source : Kadoya Atsushi, Kokugakuin 2005

Futsunomitama 布都御魂(ふつのみたま)
Futsumitama no tsurugi 韴霊剣、布都御魂剣(ふつみたまのつるぎ)
Sajifutsu no kami 佐士布都神(さじふつのかみ)
Mikafutsunokami 甕布都神(みかふつのかみ)

. Katana 日本刀 Japanese Swords .


. . . . . . . . . . Mie Folk Art - 三重県  

Five little bells to bring you good luck.

From the shrine Miyamado Jinja 海山道神社

This shrine is dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane and has the largest statue of him as Tenjin sama. 天神様.


More amulets from this shrine
source : miyamado-jinja.com


. . . . . . . . . . Yamanashi Folk Art - 山梨県  

source : wcddr162

from Minobusan, Temple Kuon-Ji

source : popyah/yamanashi

They are related to the story of the "Lucky Dragon", who drained the water out of the plain of Kofu.
While the dragon rang the five-colored bells, the water flew out of the valley.
So dolls of the dragon and the five bells are closely related.

. Fukuryuu 福龍 lucky dragon .


. . . CLICK here for Photos !

. Reference .


. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

