- - ABC-INDEX - -


Legends black cow kuroushi

. minwa 民話 folktales / densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .

Legends about the Black Cow, Black Bull  黒牛と伝説 kuro-ushi, kuroushi
kuroi ushi 黒い牛

I have come across some legends about cows and bulls, but the special mention of color, like the RED or BLACK cow . . must have some deeper meaning.

Gabi Greve, May 2015

- - - - - Start exploring from here :
. Legends about the Red Cow, Red Bull  赤牛と伝説 aka-ushi, akaushi .

. ushi oni, ushioni, gyuuki 牛鬼 "bull-demon" ox ogre .
a monster in the pandemonium of Western Japan.

There are four breeds of Wagyu Japanese cattle:
the Akaushi (Japanese Red), the Kuroushi (Japanese Black), the Japanese Polled and the Japanese Shorthorn.

- quote -
Kuroushi Junmai Ginjo from Nate Shuzo-ten Co., Ltd., long standing brewery in Wakayama Prefecture, epitomizes this hot new sake taste . . .
“Kuroushi goes great with a wide range of flavors, even with western cuisines. It’s especially amazing with cheese! So, I recommend baked dishes topped with cheese,” says Mr. Keita Akaboshi of Sake Bar Kirakuya.
- source : www.chopsticksny.com -


- Now let us go back to the past and enjoy some legends about "black cows".
Since most farmers in former times used cows for the field work, I use that translation.
Oxen and bulls were kept by specialized farmers for breeding.

. Buddha Statues and Cows (Bulls, Oxen) .


- ABC - List of Black Cow legends from the Prefectures


. . . . . . . . . . Fukushima 福島県

Once upon a time
飯盛山 Mount Iimoriyama was called 弁天山 Benten-yama, because deep in the mountains there was a small shrine to venerate the deity Benten. It was so far away from human habitation that the villagers of 滝沢村 Takizawa decided to have a new hall build nearer to the village. Every day one person from each farming family, about 50 persons, began to work there for more than two months and finally the hall was finished and a large banquet was to be held in the evening in the precincts.

But during midday there was suddenly the voice of a cow to be heared. When the villagers went to have a look, there was a beautiful girl riding on a black bull. She held a bowl filled with red auspicious rice in her hands and stopped at the village center. She was so beautiful that all folks were stunned at her sight.
The girl said:
"Thank you all so much for building this wonderful temple hall.
As a thank-you gift I offer you this bowl of red rice!"

"Where did you come from?" asked the villagers but she just told them to eat the rice and smiled beautifully. So they begun to eat and had never tasted anything better.
"That's so good, how delicious, how delicious. . . " and the more they ate the more the bowl filled again and was never empty.
They ate and ate, thinking it a bit strange but did not worry until all were filled to their heart's content with rice.
Then the girl took the bowl, placed it on the back of the cow, said "Thank you for accepting my humble gift" and left.
The villagers looked after her in surprize, but after a few hundred meters her figure simply vanished from sight.

"What a miracle, this must have been Benten Sama herself" the villagers finally realized.
And where the cow had suddenly disappeared they build a grave and shrine for the cow 牛の墓.
This is the origin of the village name Ushi-ga-Haka 牛ヶ墓 "Grave of the Cow" , 牛ヶ墓村 to our day.

And the mountain where Benten gave them all a never-ending portion of red rice was now called Iimori Yama 飯盛山, "The Mountain of a Large Portion of Rice".

. Benten, Benzaiten 弁天 弁財天 .


. . . . . . . . . . Gifu 岐阜県

吉城郡 Yoshiki gun 上宝村 Kamitakara village

The master of the 黒淵 Black River Pond is a black cow with white spots.
It does not like smoke.
When it shows its head to the villagers, there will be a severe drought in the villatge 大旱魃.
The villagers have to go to the River Pool and perform some rain rituals.


. . . . . . . . . . Hyogo 兵庫県

神崎郡 Kanzaki gun 神河町 Kamikawa village
On January 10 in 1900, a hunter of wild boars went to the mountain forest on the day of 山神祭 the festival for Yamanokami.
He took a rest at the path where the wild boars usually walk. There comes a large wild boar, but as he aims and pulls the trigger, the boar suddenly becomes invisible.
Now a huge monster like a black bull appeared, gallopping fast, making furious sounds.
The hunter fled the scene in great fear.

. inoshishi 猪と伝説 Legends about the wild boar, Wildschwein .


. . . . . . . . . . Iwate 岩手県

Kurobeko to Kuma 黒牛と熊 The Black Bull and the Bear

Once upon a time
there lived a man who bred black bulls for bullfighting 闘牛.



source : minwa.fujipan.co.jp/hagukumu/


. . . . . . . . . . Kagoshima 鹿児島県

西之表市 Nishinoomote

At a place called Kuyamajii くやまじい there is a 化け物 monster called 黒牛 Kuroushi.


. . . . . . . . . . Nagano 長野県

CLICK for more photos !

A sinful woman left a piece of cloth to dry in the garden behind her house, but a passing cow snagged it with a horn and trotted off. The woman followed the beast all the way to Zenkooji, where it disappeared and she found herself standing before the image of Amida Buddha. From that point on, she became pious.

. Zenkooji 善光寺 Zenko-Ji .


. . . . . . . . . . Nara 奈良県

大和郡山市 Yamato Koriyama



Once upon a time






. . . . . . . . . . Niigata 新潟県

佐渡の大倉村 Okura village in Sado, 加茂湖 lake Kamoko

Shakunage 石楠花 rhododendron

Once upon a time
a beautiful lively girl lived here with her mother and father, who was a woodcutter.
The girl took care of the cows in the open pasture from Spring to Autumn, although she was still very young and would rather play with other children.

One day a black calf was born in the herd. It grew up happily and joyfully in the care of the family and survived the fierce winter. But then its cow mother died. So the young girl took good care of the calf now all by herself.
Within two years, the calf had grown into a beautiful ox with black hair, strong horns and four strong legs. His black hair shone even more beautifully than that of the other cows in the herd. The young girl would often climb on its back and take a ride through the forest.

One night in summer, the girl took the black bull to view the moon reflected in lake Kamoko. On the way back, when the girl turned once more toward the lake, she found a young man standing behind her.
"I am the bull you have raised so tenderly. In summer, when the moon reflects in lake Kamoko, I am allowed to turn human. Oh, I love you so much!"

From that day on, the girl took the bull to the lake every night and the two could enjoy their time together. The girl was also deeply in love.

In the winter of that year the parents decided it was time to sell the black oxen, but the daughter would not have it. So they sneeked out at night when the girl was asleep, took the bull and went to sell it.
The girl tried to run after them when she woke up, but she came only to the mountain pass. There she fell down, red blood streamed out of her mouth and she died on the spot.
In spring the farmers planted a shakunage 石楠花 rhododendron bush on the spot at 大倉峠 Okura Pass where the girl had died.


. . . . . . . . . . Okayama 岡山県

. The Black Bull at 西大寺 Temple Saidai-Ji .

. . . . . . . . . . Okinawa 沖縄県



. Reference - 黒牛伝説 .


妖怪 データベース yokai database
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -
03 黒い牛 (01)
マンガ昔話データベース Manga Mukashibanashi database
- source : nihon.syoukoukai.com -

. Legends about animals 動物と伝説 .

. minwa 民話 folktales / densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .
- Introduction -


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

- - - #kuroushi #kuroushilegends #blackcowlegends #kuroiushi - - - - -


Legends red cow akaushi

. Legends and Tales from Japan 伝説 - Introduction .

Legends about the Red Cow, Red Bull 赤牛と伝説 aka-ushi, akaushi
akage no oushi (o-ushi) 赤毛の牡牛 a Bull with red hair

akaushi no yookai 赤牛の妖怪 monster red bull
oni wa akaushi 鬼は赤牛 a demon is the red bull

「緑牛」の正体 ? and what about the green bull ?

I have come across some legends about cows, but the special mention of color, like the RED, GREEN or BLACK cow
. . must have some deeper meaning.
Sometimes the red cow is the "ike no nushi" 池の主の赤牛  master of the pond.
Still trying to find that out. Any help is welcome.
Some sources say it was the malaria.

Gabi Greve, May 2015

- Part 2 -
. Legends about the Black Cow, Black Bull  黒牛と伝説 kuro-ushi, kuroushi .

. Legends about animals 動物と伝説 .
- Introduction of cow legends -

. ushi oni, ushioni, gyuuki 牛鬼 "bull-demon" ox ogre .
a monster in the pandemonium of Western Japan.

Akaushi (赤牛, あか牛  roughly meaning "red cow")
is a Japanese Wagyū breed of cattle. The beef produced by Akaushi cattle is richly marbled with fat and produces a very tender, flavorful, and expensive variety of steak which is used in Kobe restaurants.
originally carrying the title of "Kobe beef" were simply cattle from herds in the Kobe area of Japan, and could be any of four breeds of Wagyu cattle: the Akaushi (Japanese Red), the Kuroushi (Japanese Black), the Japanese Polled and the Japanese Shorthorn.
The Akaushi
is a Japanese breed of cattle actually created by a government project that included as many as 150 scientists at one point and spanned more than 50 years. The story goes that these cattle were considered the property of the Japanese government and they were never to leave the Japanese islands.
the largest purebred group of Wagyū outside Japan is a herd of Akaushi cattle located in Harwood, Texas, owned by HeartBrand Beef. It was raised from a Japanese imported herd of 11 which was guarded by off-duty Texas Rangers to protect from interbreeding for over 12 years until the herd grew to over 5,000 cattle.
The meat
contains high concentrations of oleic acid, a heart-healthy fatty acid. Akaushi beef has a high ratio of monounsaturated to saturated fats.
source : wikipedia


- Now let us go back to the past and enjoy some legends about "red cows".
Since most farmers in former times used cows for the field work, I use that translation.
Oxen and bulls were kept by specialized farmers for breeding.

from the Mooo bar, Shiraishi Island, Japan

. Buddha Statues and Cows (Bulls, Oxen) .


- ABC - List of Red Cow legends from the Prefectures


. . . . . . . . . . Fukushima 福島県

aka-beko, aka beko, akabeko 赤べこ a red cow
protecting from smallpox, like Daruma

aka-beko, aka beko 赤べこ
The most important of the Aizu Papermachee Dolls is the Red Oxen, Akabeko. The red color is auspicious for warding off illnesses. Many papermachee dolls of the Aizu area are called "Red Things" (akamono) for this reason.
Red things are also good luck symbols for childrearing.

. ushi 丑 ox, oxen (cow, bull, calf) amulets .


. . . . . . . . . . Kagawa 香川県 

Once uopon a time
an old woman was on her way back from a pilgrimage to Konpira san and walked through the valley 五重谷, when a red cow came running after her. The old woman became quite scared and thought this must be a monster, so she hid in the forest. The red cow eventually disappeared, but to pray for its soul people built a small statue of Jizo Bosatsu at this spot.

. Konpira Daigongen . 金毘羅大権現 .


. . . . . . . . . . Kagoshima 鹿児島県

日置郡 Hioki gun 山町 Yamamachi

Way back in the mountanis of the hamlet there is the top of an old five-storied stone pagoda 五輪塔, called ガラン Garan. It is not allowed for women to go there and other villagers may only come during the special ritual days. There are 16 powerful deities venerated here and they use the red bull.
Recently a five-storied pagoda has been dug out below the Garan, but the man who did it became a terrible headache. So this one too is venerated in the Garan now.


. . . . . . . . . . Miyagi 宮城県

亘理町 Watari

When 伊達成実 Date Shigesane (1568 - 1646) built the castle, he had a red bull burried alive in the wall as a protector deity. On a special prayer hill in the South of his living quarters he planted a keyaki ケヤキ zelkova tree, but whoever would use its branches for firewood was cursed.

Watarijoo 亘理城 Watari Jo Castle

There are other castles or a samurai residences with a red bull burried alive (臥牛城 gagyuujoo) in Miyagi,
for example
登米郡登米町寺池の伊達氏登米館 - Date residence in Tome gun - Teraike Jo 寺池城
角田市の石川氏角田館 - Ishikawa residence in Kakuda town, 角田城 Kakuda Jo
玉造郡岩出山町の伊達氏岩出山城 - Date residence in Tamatsukuri gun - Iwadeyama Jo
柴田郡川崎町平沢の高野氏平沢館 - Takano residence in Shibata gun - Hirazawa Yakata
柴田郡川崎町,川崎城,川崎要害- Kawasaki castle, Kawasaki Yogai Stronghold

gagyuujoo, fushiushijoo 臥牛城(がぎゅうじょう、ふしうしじょう)gagyujo, fushiushijo -
Fushiushi Castle "Lying ox castle" - in Japan:

駒ヶ嶺城 (福島県相馬郡新地町)- Komagamine Jo castle, Fukushima
大森城 (福島県福島市)- Omori Jo castle, Fukushima
結城城 (茨城県結城市)- Yūki- Yuki Jo castle, Ibaraki

水沢城 (岩手県奥州市、大休城とも)- Mizuzawa Jo castle, Iwate
source : japan-iwate.info

岡城 (大分県竹田市)- Oka Jo castle, Oita
source : okacastleruins

烏山城 (栃木県那須烏山市)- Karasuyama- Jo castle, Tochigi
source : Karasuyama-castle

. . . CLICK here for more Photos - 臥牛城 !

. hitobashira 人柱 "human pillar" - human sacrifice .
ikenie 生贄 / 生け贄 human sacrifice

Gagyuuzan 臥牛山 Mount Gagyuzan in Okayama, Takahashi, 487 m high



渡邊水巴 (from the collection : Mount Fuji 富士)



. . . . . . . . . . Nagasaki 長崎県

. a red bull and the okeya 桶屋 bucket maker .
- - - - -
西彼町 Seihi village



. . . . . . . . . . Niigata 新潟県

西蒲原郡 Nishi Kanbara gun 赤塚村 Akatsuka village

The master of the pond Akazu no Ike 明かずの池 was a huge serpent (or a red bull), which killed the villagers and brought much misfortune to the village. So the priest from temple 正元寺 performed special rituals and prayers for seven days and seven nights.
The red bull had to flee from the pond and escaped to another one, the pond in Jigokudani (Valley of Hell 地獄谷).

. Jigokudani 地獄谷 ”Hell Valley" -- Jigoku no Tani 地獄の谷 .


red beco, redbeco

- source : redbeco.com -meat -


. . . . . . . . . . Okayama 岡山県 

The Red Cow and Awakura Hot Spring  粟倉温泉 


総社市 Soja



. akaushi ni notta sennin 赤牛に乗った仙人 the Immortal who rode on a red bull .


. . . . . . . . . . Okinawa 沖縄県



宮古郡 Miyako





CLICK for more akabeko photos !


. . . . . . . . . . Shizuoka 静岡県

Nagatsuro no kakure sato 長津呂のかくれ里 the hidden village of Nagatsuro

Once upon a time











Tajima no Akaushi 対島の赤牛










伊東市 Ito town

Before the development of the town, most of the plain was a huge pond, and its master was a red cow. It killed the priests of temple 福泉寺 Fukusen-Ji one after another.
Eventually a samurai turned priest named 和泉良孝 Izumi Yoshitaka began to read the sutras and finally all became quiet in the region.

Ippeki ike no aka-ushi 一碧湖の赤牛 The Red Cow from Ippeki Pond

Once upon a time
there lived a red cow in the pond, and sometimes it came out of the water, attacked the boats or shapeshifted into a beautiful farm girl and teased the farmers. It also shapeshifted into a dragon and attacked the fisherman and anglers on the shore and the villagers were really in trouble.

In the Kanei period (around 1635) the priest of the temple 光栄寺 Koei-Ji heared about this nuisance, came to the lake, settled down on one of the small islands and begun to pray and perform rituals for seven days. Finally the red cow was contained and the lake became quiet again.

Then he built a small hall there and placed copies of the 法華経 Lotus Sutra in it. Now this island is called
経島 "the Sutra Island".
By the way, there is also a small hall for the 水神 God of Water on the island and people come here to pray for rain.

Ippeki pond is a small crater lake, about six kilometers south of Ito city. The circumference is only 4 km, but this is the largest lake in Izu Peninsula where there are very few lakes and ponds. There are twelve islands, and the beautiful scene reflecting the Amagi Mountains on the lake is known as the ”the eye of Izu”.


中伊豆町 Nakaizu village

The master of the waterfall 万城の滝 Manjo no Taki was either 大蛇 a huge serpent or a red cow.
Another version says
The real master of the waterfall 万城 の滝 Manjo no Taki near the 地蔵堂 Jizo Hall was a red cow.


田方郡 Tagata gun 戸田村 Heda village

The real master of the Sanagi pond at mount Sanagiyama is a red cow.


. . . . . . . . . . Yamanashi 山梨県

北巨摩郡 Kitakomo gun 小淵沢町 Kobuchisawa
At the pond called Kobuchi there was a thriving forest and also a small sanctuary.
In former times when there were visitors, farmers would to this sanctuary the night before and ask for food ready to be served on trays 膳椀, just then number of visitors. The next morning they could get the trays full of food, but they had to bring the plates and trays back by evening.
Then one farmer forgot to bring the plates and trays back and the master of the pond, a red bull, got angry and flew away, all the way to lake Suwako 諏訪湖.
There was no more food delivery at this pond, of course.

(There are similar legends of this type where a Kappa makes the delivery.
What could be the background of these legends?)

. Kappa providing food 膳椀と河童 .


南巨摩郡 Minamikoma gun 五開村 Gokai village

Once the son of a millionaire died, so they wrote the name on his back and held a funeral for him.
Soon after that in the neighbour's farm a red ox was born with the name of this son written on his back. So the rich man asked to have the ox, but since he was on very bad terms with his neighbour, he did not get his wish. Until they died, they were enemies.
We can learn from this story
that it is no good to write the name or seal on the back of a dead person.


. Reference .


マンガ昔話データベース Manga Mukashibanashi database
- source : nihon.syoukoukai.com -

妖怪 データベース yokai database
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -

. Legends about animals 動物と伝説 .

. minwa 民話 folktales / densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .
- Introduction -

- - - #akaushi #akaushilegends #redcowlegends - - - - -


- Part 2 -

. Legends about the Black Cow, Black Bull  黒牛と伝説 kuro-ushi, kuroushi .


. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011




Legends about trees

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

Legends about trees - - 木と伝説

Tamamura Kōzaburō (1856 - 1923)

. ki 木, jumoku 樹 trees of Japan .
meiboku 名木 famous tree / meiboku hyakusen 名木百選 The 100 most famous trees of Japan
- Introduction -

. shinboku 神木 Sacred tree, "Tree of a Deity" .
yama no kami no yadorigi 山の神の止り木 / 山の神の宿り木 Yamanokami resting tree
yama no kami no yasumigi 山の神の休み木

. madogi 窓木 "window tree" .
13 legends to explore

. reiboku 霊木 a sacred tree .
16 legends to explore


. enoki 榎 nettletree, Chinese hackberry tree .
4 legends to explore

. gingko 銀杏 Gingko biloba .
42 legends to explore

. katsura 桂 / 桂の木 Japanese Judas tree, Cercidiphyllum japonicum .
to explore

. keyaki 欅 / けやき / ケヤキ 伝説 Legends about the Zelkova tree .

. kunugi 櫟 Quercus acutissima ー oak .

. kuwa 桑 mulberry tree and kaiko 蚕 silk worms .
- kuwa - 184 legends to explore -
kaiko 蚕 102 legends to explore

. kusu no ki 楠木 camphor tree .
老樟 old camphor / 樟 18 to explore / 楠木 2 / 楠 71 / お楠という嫁

. matsu 松 pine tree .
shoochikubai 松竹梅 (しょうちくばい) - pine, bamboo and plum
- 935 legends to explore

momi no ki 樅の木 fir tree - Abies firma
. momi no ki 樅の木 and Yamanokami .
06 to explore

. nashi 梨の木 Japanese pear .
16 to expore

. sakaki 榊 と伝説 Legends about the Sakaki tree .
This is the sacred tree of Japanese Shinto, Cleyera japonica.
71 to explore

. shii oak tree 椎の木 . *
10 legends to explore - and relation to
. Heike Ochudo densetsu 平家落人伝説 legends about Heike Ochudo .
椎葉村 / 椎原 Shiibaru village

. sugi 杉, 杉の木 cedar tree, cryptomeria legends .
306 legends to explore
. sugi 天狗と杉と伝説 Legends about Tengu and Cedar trees .
----- Tengusugi, Tengu-sugi 天狗杉 Tengu Cedar Tree.

. yanagi 柳 willow tree .
- - - - - . - daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake - .
jayanagi (hebiyanagi) 蛇柳 the "serpent willow tree" Snake Willow - Kabuki


- ABC - List of trees from the Prefectures


. . . . . . . . . . Okayama 岡山県

Mukuchijima 六口島(むくちじま) Mukuchi Island
One of the islands of Mizushima 水島諸島, near Kurashiki.

On the island there is a valley called "Yanagi no tani 柳の谷", valley of the willow tree.
There was a time when a huge willow tree grew there, hence the name.
The tree was so huge that the ships coming in to the harbour could see it from afar and adjust their journey to it. So it helped to keep the local waterways quite safe.
In the nearby village there lived a beautiful girl called O-Ryu, who liked the tree very much. Every day she went to it, praised it and stroke its huge trunk.
The tree liked her visit and always stroke her back gently with its huge branches.

It was during the construction of a special large temple hall in Kyoto, the Sanjusan Gendo 三十三間堂, when everyone was looking for trees huge enough to support the heavy roof. Eventually a white arrow, sign of being chosen for the building, was stuck into the tree.

When the news spread, O-Ryu was all in tears and could not be consoled.
Then one day woodcutters came to the island and whacked their huge ax into the stem of the tree. The tree shook in pain - and O-Ryu, who stood nearby, also felt a pain as if a knife was stuck into her body.
Every time the woodcutters whacked at the tree, O-Ryu was hit by pain.
Finally the tree was felled and they tried to pull the heavy stem to the beach for transport by sea. But however many strong men pulled at the ropes, the stem would not move one bit.
O-Ryu went back to the Valley of the Willow tree, hugged the stem and bid it good bye. Then she sat on it - and oh wonder - the tree slid down to the beach with no further ado. The stem was shipped to Kyoto and is now a roof beam 棟木 of the famous Sanjusan Gendo Hall.

- おかやま伝説紀行 - by Tateishi san 立石憲利
- source : books.google.co.jp -

In Mie prefecture there is a another story about a huge willow tree for the Sanjusan Gendo Hall.
The roof beams for the hall had to be about 100 meters long and were not so easy to get.

Yooji Yakushi Doo 楊枝薬師堂 The Yakushi Hall of Yoji Village - 浄薬寺Joyaku-Ji
A huge willow tree of the village had to be felled and brought to Kyoto for the Sanjusan Gendo Hall, which was built on request of 後白河上皇 /後白河天皇 Go-Shirakawa Tenno (1127-1192). He had a severe headache all the time and wanted to construct a large temple to pray for healing.
Once the temple was built, the Emperor's headache was healed.

To show his gratitude for the willow tree, Go-Shirakawa himself carved a statue of 薬師如来 Yakushi Nyorai and placed it in a temple in the village, now called the Yakushi Hall of Yoji village, better known locally as
頭痛山平癒寺 "The temple which heales Headaches".
The present-day temple building dates back to 1411.

- reference -

- - - - another version of the legend
In a former life 後白河法皇 Emperor Goshirakawa had been a mountain priest named 蓮華坊 Renge-Bo, but he had fallen into a ravine and lost his life. A willow tree grew on the spot, piercing the skull and causing the Emperor a constant headache whenever the wind blew the branches of the tree.
On a pilgrimage to Kumano to get rid of the headache, the Emperor learned of his former life and made a search for the skull. He buried the skull properly and used the willow tree to make a beam of the Sanjusan Gendo hall 柳で三十三間堂の棟木. Other versions say he had a Statue of Kannon made and placed the skull inside to show this greatfulness for being relieves of the headache.
. dokuro 髑髏と伝説 Legends about the Skull .

At the Sanjusan Gendo Hall in Kyoto, there is a
ritual services for the willow trees 柳のお加持 "Rite of the Willow"

combined with the famous arrow shooting contest

. ooyakazu 大矢数 "shooting many arrows" .
tooshiya 通し矢(とおしや)

- quote -
The temple complex suffered a fire in 1249 and only the main hall was rebuilt in 1266. In January, the temple has an event known as the Rite of the Willow (柳枝のお加持), where worshippers are touched on the head with a sacred willow branch to cure and prevent headaches.
A popular archery tournament known as the Tōshiya (通し矢) has also been held here, beside the West veranda, since the Edo period.
- source : wikipedia -


- quote -
The Spirit of the Willow Tree
About one thousand years ago (but according to the dates of the story 744 years ago) the temple of 'Sanjusangen Do' was founded. That was in 1132. 'Sanjusangen Do' means hall of thirty-three spaces; and there are said to be over 33,333 figures of the Goddess Kwannon, the Goddess of Mercy, in the temple today.
- snip -
There lived in the village a young farmer named Heitaro, a great favourite, who had lived near the old tree all his days, as his forefathers had done; and he was greatly against cutting it down.
- snip -
On seeing this, Heitaro addressed the men. 'My friends,' said he, 'the dead trunk of the tree which you are trying to move contains the spirit of my wife. Perhaps, if you will allow my little son Chiyodō to help you, it will be more easy for you; and he would like to help in showing his last respects to his mother.'

The woodcutters were fully agreeable, and, much to their astonishment, as Chiyodō came to the back end of the log and pushed it with his little hand, the timber glided easily towards the river, his father singing the while an 'Uta.' There is a well-known song or ballad in the 'Uta' style said to have sprung from this event; it is sung to the present day by men drawing heavy weights or doing hard labour:--

Muzan naru kana
Motowa kumanono yanagi no tsuyu de
Sodate-agetaru kono midorigo wa
Yoi, Yoi, Yoito na!

Is it not sad to see the little fellow,
Who sprang from the dew of the Kumano Willow,
And is thus far budding well?
Heave ho, heave ho, pull hard, my lads.

In Wakanoura the labourers sing a working or hauling song, which also is said to have sprung from this story of the 'Yanagi no Sei:--

Wakano urani wa meishoga gozaru
Ichi ni Gongen
Ni ni Tamatsushima
San ni Sagari Matsu
Shi ni Shiogama
Yoi, Yoi, yoi to na.

There are famous places in Wakanoura
First Gongen
Second Tamatsushima
Third, the pine tree with its hanging branches
Fourth comes Shiogama
Is it not good, good, good?

A third 'Uta' sprang from this story, and is often applied to small children helping.

The waggon could not be drawn when it came to the front of Heitaro's house, so his little five-year-old boy Chiyodō was obliged to help, and they sang:--

Muzan naru kana
Motowa Kumanono yanagi no tsuyu de
Sodate-agetaru kono midorigo wa
Yoi, Yoi, yoi to na.

Is it not sad to see the little fellow,
Who sprang from the dew of the Kumano Willow,
And is thus far budding well?
Heave ho, heave ho, pull hard, my lads.

- source : www.sarudama.com - Scott Foutz -


- Now back to Okayama -

. sennen bikuni 千年比丘尼 a young nun for 1000 years .
Often she planted a walking stick in the temple compound before leaving, which sprouted to live on . .

Yashima Kameyama 八島亀山
There was also an old tree, byakushin ビャクシン / 柏槙 (a kind of mountain juniper) to our day, which had sprouted from her walking stick.
This tree was then found to have a disease infecting the Japanese pear trees nearby and was cut down eventually.

In Asakuchi 浅口, Okayama
there is another tree that has sprouted from her walking stick. It has sprouted, as she had foretold, "tsue wa ikitsuku made" 杖は活き着くまで. . . and now there is another hamlet with a pun on that nearby :
Tsukuma 津熊 .
The tree that sprouted from her stick was a huge yanagi 大柳 willow tree.
It was so strong and perfect that the tree was cut down and its trunck became a beam for the famous 三十三間堂, 京都 Hall of 1000 Buddha Statues in Kyoto, Sanjusan Gendo.


マンガ昔話データベース Manga Mukashibanashi database -神木
東光寺のケヤキ / 七本ひのき /とんぼのやどり木
- source : nihon.syoukoukai.com -

妖怪 データベース yokai database -神木 - 88 entries
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -

. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .
- Introduction -

- - - #treelegends #legendstrees - - - - -

. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011



Legends about animals

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

Legends about animals 動物と伝説

There are many legends of animals in all prefectures.
There are also the 12 zociac animals with their special significance in Japan.
. 12 zociac animals 干支  eto, kanshi .

Once upon a time in Japan - animal land

This is a growing list as they come up during my work on the Darumapedia and the WKD.

. nakoodo 仲人 matchmaker for a marriage .
with foxes, serpents, tanuki, Kappa . . .


. ari 蟻と伝説 Legends about ants - Ameisen .
. haari, ha-ari, higi 羽蟻 flying ants and earthquake .

. awabi densetsu あわび アワビ 鰒 鮑伝説 abalone legends .
many legends to explore

. baku 獏 / バク legendary dream-eating tapir .
9 legends to explore

. buna 鮒 crucian carp - kigo and legends . *
katame buna 片目鮒 / katame no buna 片目の鮒 buna fish with one eye

. daija, orochi 大蛇 the huge serpent, great snake .
for hebi 蛇 snake, below

. gama 蝦蟇と伝説 Legends about toads .
- hiki 蟾 / hikigaeru 蟇蛙 toad, Bufo vulgaris
23 to explore

. hamaguri 蛤 (はまぐり) clamshell, hard clam .
14 to explore

. hamo 鱧 pike conger eel / 鱣 sen .
to explore

. hato 鳩 dove, pidgeon - Taube .
- yamabato 山鳩 "mountain dove"

. hebi 蛇と伝説 Legends about snakes and serpents .
2374 蛇 (00) to explore

. hihi 狒々/ 狒狒 / 比々 Hihi Baboon Monster Legends .
16 to explore

. hototogisu 杜魂 /蜀魂 little cuckoo .
時鳥 04 / ホトトギス 15 / ほととぎす 07 / 杜鵑 06 to explore

. inoko 亥の子 / イノコ the "young wild boar" - Legends .

. inoshishi 猪 ・ イノシシ wild boar - Legends .
108 legends to explore

. inu 犬 dog .
more than 1000 to collect

. itachi 鼬、イタチ weasel .
64 to explore

. kaeru 蛙 / かえる Kawazu, frog .
124 to collect
. wakudo iwa わくど岩 the Frog Rock .
Wakudo わくど is the local Fukuoka dialect for frog or toad.

kai / ..gai 貝 all kinds of shells
180 to collect
. takasegai 高瀬貝 trocas shells, Trochus .

. kaiko 蚕 silk worms - kuwa 桑 mulberry tree .
- kuwa - 184 legends to explore -
kaiko 蚕 102 legends to explore

. kame 亀 turtle, tortoise, Schildkroete .
238 entries to explore
- - - - - . minogame 蓑亀 minokame, "turtle with a raincoat"- legends .

. kamo 鴨と伝説 legends about ducks .
50 to explore

. kani 蟹 crab .
. kani no hi 蟹の火 the light of a crab . - Kumamoto
124 to explore / 鬼蟹,鬼面蟹,平家蟹 / 大蟹 /

. karasu 鴉 / 烏と伝説 legends about crow, raven . *
200 to explore

katsuo 鰹 bonito
20 to explore

. kawauso, uso 川獺 / カワウソ / 獺 river otter .
135 カワウソ to explore / 08 川獺 / 26 獺

. kiji 雉と伝説 legends about pheasant - Fasan .
36 to explore

kingyo 金魚 goldfish
3 to explore

. kitsune 狐 the fox in Japanese culture and tales .
- - - - - and Inari 稲荷 the Fox Deity

. koi 鯉 と伝説 Legends about carps - Karpfen .
85 to explore

. konoshiro コノシロ / このしろ Konosirus punctatus - fish legends .

. kori 狐狸と伝説 Legends about fox and Tanuki badger .
100 to explore

. kujira 鯨 whale, Walfisch .
71 legends to explore

. kumo 蜘蛛と伝説 Legends about spiders / Spinnen .
more than 100 to explore / tsuchigumo 土蜘蛛 earth spider, ground spider - Yokai

. mimizu ミミズ 蚯蚓 (みみず)  earthworm .

. mitsubachi, hachi 蜜蜂 bee, bees, honeybee .
66 to explore

. mogura モグラ; モグラモチ / 土竜 / 土龍 mole, Maulwurf .
many to explore / sennen mogura 千年土竜 a white mole of 1000 years

. mukade 蜈蚣 - むかで centipede, millipede legends .
hyakusoku 百足虫 "one hundred legs"
- to translate

. namazu 鯰 catfish, Wels .

. namekuji 蛞蝓 (なめくじ / ナメクジ) slug legends .
- namekujira なめくじら slugwhale

. ne 子 / nezumi 鼠  Rat, Mouse . *
275 legends to explore

. neko 猫 / ねこ と伝説 Legends about cats, Katzen .
- bakeneko, bake-neko 化け猫 / 化猫 monster cat
- yamaneko 山猫 - carved by 左甚五郎 Hidari Jingoro

. nishin 鰊, 鯡、青魚, 黄魚 herring legends .

. niwatori. kei 鶏と伝説 Legends about the rooster, cock, chicken .
100 to explore / oogon no tori 黄金の鶏 golden rooster

. nue 鵺 monster .
with the head of a monkey, breast of a badger, scales like a dragon, tail of a serpent and feet like a tiger
- 24 entries to explore -

. okoze 虎魚 (おこぜ, オコゼ ) stonefish .
- oniokoze, oni-okoze オニオコゼ(鬼鰧、鬼虎魚). オコジ Okoji - - 22 to explore

. ookami 狼 Okami, wolf legends . *
- - - - - hakuroo, shiroi ookami 白狼 white wolf
- - - - - yama-inu, yamainu 山犬、豺 "mountain dog"

. oshidori, オシドリ 鴛鴦と伝説 Legends about mandarin ducks .

. raichoo 雷鳥 grouse, snow grouse "thunder bird" .
3 to explore

. ryuu, ryū 龍 竜 伝説 Ryu - dragon legends . *
to explore

. saba 鯖と伝説 Legends about mackerel, Makrele .
50 to explore

. sakana 魚 fish - food and kigo .
- katame no sakana 片目の魚 fish with one eye
25 to explore
katame buna 片目鮒 / katame no buna 片目の鮒 buna fish with one eye (see above)
. katame uo 片目魚 fish with one eye . - Kobe, Hyogo
- - - - - katame no 片目の things with one eye . . .
87 to explore - 片目の鮭 - 片目の鰻 - 片目の鰍

. sake 鮭 legends about the salmon . *
- and the pair of 鮭の大助 Sake no Osuke / Kosuke
47 legends to explore

. sanshoouo, sanshoo uo 山椒魚 salamander .
6 to explore

. saru 猿 / 申 monkey .
猿王丸 Saruomaru and the Heike
. monkey carved by 左甚五郎 Hidari Jingoro .

. sazae 栄螺 . サザエ turban shell . *

. semi 蝉 cicada, Zikade .
15 to explore

. shika 鹿 deer .
more than 200 legends to explore
- - - - - . hakuroku, hakushika, shirojika 白鹿 white deer .

. suzume 雀(すずめ) sparrow, Spatzen .
89 to explore

. taka 鷹 hawk .
81 legends to explore
- - - - - . takagari 鷹狩り falconry, hunting with hawks .

. tako 蛸と伝説 Tako Legends about Octopus .
38 to explore

. tanuki 狸 mujina 狢 - badger legends . *
more than 1000 to explore

toraneko 虎猫 tiger-cat
. carved by 左甚五郎 Hidari Jingoro .
- 09 toraneko legends to explore -

. Tsuchinoko (ツチノコ or 槌の子) hammerspawn. *
bachi hebi (バチヘビ) in Northeastern Japan.
40 legends to explore


. tsuru 鶴 the crane in Japanese culture .
more than 200 legends to explore

tsuru no ongaeshi 鶴の恩返し The Gratitude of the Crane  
a story about the rewards of kindness and the danger of curiosity.

. Tsuru carved by 左甚五郎 Hidari Jingoro .


. uma 馬 koma 駒伝説 horse legends .

. umigame 海亀 sea turtle legends .

. unagi 鰻 / うなぎ / ウナギ と伝説 Legends about the eel - Aal .
鰻 99 to explore / ウナギ 60 to explore / うなぎ 8 to explore

. usagi 兎 / 兔 / うさぎ / ウサギ と伝説 Legends about the rabbit / hare .
白兎 white rabbit from Inaba, 月山玉兎 Tamausagi from Gassan ...
28 ウサギ to explore


. ushi 牛 cow, bull, oxen, calf in Japanese culture .

. 関寺(世喜寺、せきでら)Sekidera in Shiga .
The white oxen was an incarnation of Kashō Butsu 迦葉仏 Kashobutsu, Kasyapa.

. Zenkooji 善光寺 Zenko-Ji in Nagano .


. Legends about the Red Cow 赤牛と伝説 akaushi, aka-ushi .

. Legends about the Black Bull 黒牛と伝説 kuro-ushi, kuroushi .

. Hakutaku, Kutabe 白澤 Cow monster and amulet . *

. tsuno-tsuki, tsunotsuki 牛の角突き bull fighting in Niigata .

. ushiishi 牛石と伝説 Legends about the "bull rock" .


. yamame やまめ (山女) landlocked salmon - Oncorhynchus masou .
14 to explore ヤマメ

. washi 鷲 eagle .
68 legends to explore


. Salmon Osuke Legends .


岡山の動物昔話 Animal Legends from Okayama
Tateishi Noritoshi 立石憲利 (1938 - )

. Legends from Okayama .


動物妖怪譚 - 日野巌 Hino Iwao
More books about strange things in Japan
- source : amazon com -

マンガ昔話データベース Manga Mukashibanashi database
- source : nihon.syoukoukai.com -

妖怪 データベース yokai database
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -

. - yookai, yōkai 妖怪 Yokai monsters - .
- Introduction -

- - - #legendsanimals #animallegends - - - - -

. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Japanese legends and tales 伝説 民話 昔話 - Introduction .

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011




Kitsune and Bride

. minwa 民話 folktales / densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends .

. kitsune 狐 fox legends - Introduction .

kitsune no yome-iri, kitsune no yomeiri 狐の嫁入り "the fox taking a bride"
spell of sunshine during a rainy period
literally: The Fox is taking his bride home. A fox-wedding party.
kitsune no yomedori 狐の嫁どり

kigo for summer

Ogata Gekko - kitsune

“There are so many Japanese phrases and words that use foxes as creature that deceives people. One of them is, 狐の嫁入り (Kitsune no Yomeiri, wedding of fox). This is a word for a day that rains with sun out. Foxes like to deceive people, so have their wedding on rainy but sunny day.”
quote by Tachikoma

- quote -
Kitsune no Yomeiri in Literature
The Meiji period Tanka poet Masaoka Shiki wrote:

“When rain falls from a blue sky,
in the Hour of the Horse,
the Great Fox King takes his bride.”

While Kitsune no Yomeiri is the most common term, there are regional versions of the same phenomenon. In Saitama and Ishikawa prefectures it is known as Kitsune no Yomitori (狐の嫁取り; The Taking of a Fox Bride). In Shizuoka it is called Kitsune no Shugen (狐の祝言; The Fox Wedding Celebration).

In Tokushima, the Kitsune no Yomeiri is a less happy occasion. It was called the Kitsune no Soshiki (狐の葬儀; Fox Funeral) and seeing one is considered an omen of death.

- Read the details :
- source : hyakumonogatari.com - Zack Davisson


- quote -
. . . the occurrence of rain occurring during brilliant sunshine, which is said to occur a fox bride is going through the woods to the house of her fox groom. Sometimes during festival occasions, shrines would stage the “fox wedding” as well, and that is when we would get to see the interesting couple wearing the fox mask.
- source : monsterswithfreckles.tumblr -


- ABC - List of fox and bride legends from the Prefectures


. . . . . . . . . . Aichi 愛知県

Kitsune no hanayome きつねの花嫁 The fox as bride

Once upon a time
in the village of 三河の国の宇頭 Uto in Mikawa there lived a young man named 与太郎 Yotaro, who was always playing tricks and pranks.
He often stole the fried tofu 油揚げ offered at the temple of Yakushi Nyorai 薬師如来  and used it as bait for fishing, saying he wanted to "fish for a fox" キツネを釣る.
His mother did not know what to do with this wild youngster and came up with the idea that he might calm down when he got a wife (bride 嫁 yome).
So she went to the local shrine and prayed to the deity to provide a good bride for her son.
Soon enough, through the introduction of the village headman Yotaro got a beautiful bride from the neighbouring village.

On the day before the wedding, Yotaro went to the river that served as the boundary between the two villages to wait for the parade. He waited and waited and soon it became quite dark when he saw the bridal procession on the other side of the river.
The horse of the bride stopped and she called him
"Come over here, hurry, hurry!" and stretched her hand toward him.

Yotaro was so happy, he jumped into the river and begun to swim to the other side, wondering if there had really been such a wide river between the two villages.
And while he was moving around swimming suddenly all disappeared and he found himself in a field of eggplants.

But the bewitched Yataro did not even realize this and continued paddeling around the eggplants. A farmer who observed him called "Hey Yotaro, take care of what you are doing! What's the matter with you?!"
Finally Yotaro came to his sense, but now was in just the opposite spell - - - he thought the village headman must be a bad fox, so he took a strong stick and hit him.

Finally the wedding came to pass and Yotaro got to live with his bride. But she was not beautiful and gentle, but angry and short-tempered and had him under her thumb.
Yet for better or worth, the two of them had eventually begun to do their farming work together and lead a normal life.


Yama-uba to tabi yakusha 山姥と旅役者 The old woman and the traveling actor

Once upon a time on a late summer evening











. . . . . . . . . . Gifu 岐阜県

. tabi 足袋 と伝説 Legends about Tabi socks .

Inari fox split-toe socks


. . . . . . . . . . Hyogo 兵庫県

An old woman who was possessed by a fox eat fried tofu and rice with red beans every day 油揚げや赤飯.
When the farmers asked her to show her real features, a fat fox with quite a large tummy showed up, walking along the village road. So the farmers killed it.
The fox had come here at the time when the young farmer had taken a wife. The fox had thrown the real bride into the sea and joined the household incognito.

abura-age 油揚げ fried tofu offerings to the Fox Deity


. . . . . . . . . . Mie 三重県

kitsune no yome-iri doochuu 狐の嫁入り道中 Fox Marriage Parade Ceremony

Celebrated during the Setsubun rituals in February.
Beside the Fox couple, there are the oni 鬼 demons of Setsubun to provide a scary atmosphere to the wedding ceremony.

Miyamado Inari Fox Shrine, 海山道神社 1 Chome-58 Miyamadocho, Yokkaichi, Mie
- Homepage of the Shrine
- source : miyamado-jinja.com -


. . . . . . . . . . Nara 奈良県

. Yamanokami 山の神 and Kitsune no Yome-iri .


. . . . . . . . . . Niigata 新潟県

The foxes carry lanterns that go on and off.
But in fact it is the spittle of foxed dripping on the ground which is shining.

In the district of 中蒲原郡 Nakakanbara a mother and daughter in law were working in the fields. When they threw a stone at something moving, it was a fox.
Three months later, the daughter became ill and they called a local 巫女 Shrine shaman to find out the reason for the illness. So they learned that a fox possessed the daughter in law (yome 嫁) .
The fox said it would care for the daughter, so the mother let it have its way.
And two or three days later, there was a fox taking a bride parade 狐の嫁入り and rain in the dark forest.
And yes, the daughter in law was well again from that day on.


CLICK for more photos !


. . . . . . . . . . Tottori 鳥取県

In a village in the 中山町 Nakayama of the 西伯郡 Saihaku district a fox once got caught in a trap but a compassionate young unmarried farmer let it free.
The fox wanted to show his gratitude, so he shapeshifted into a young woman and joined the farmer's home as the bride. That year the farmer had a bountiful harvest and soon the young farmer became the richest man in the village.
Now the fox-bride decided it has done its duty in paying back gratitude and shifted back to its fox figure. Soon the fox disappeared into the forest.


. . . . . . . . . . Toyama 富山県

In the villages of 婦負郡 Nei district there is sometimes a ball of fire seen back and forth in the dark mountain forest, almost like a parade of people holding lanterns.
People say
This is not a wedding parade of humans taking home the bride, that is the foxes taking a wife.


- quote -
"Der Fuchs und Dr. Shimamura"
Japanische Frauen, die von Füchsen besessen sind, ein Doktor auf der Spur des Phänomens, Hysterikerinnen in Paris, ein Abschied vom Leben:
Christine Wunnickes neuer Roman erzählt sehr überzeugend von merkwürdigen Dingen.

Japan 1891: Ein Arzt und ein Medizinstudent sind in spezieller Mission in der südwestlichen Präfektur Shimane unterwegs. Die beiden sollen Fälle von Fuchsbesessenheit aufspüren, von buchstäblicher Fuchsbefallenheit, die in diesem Gebiet jährlich in einer Art Epidemie beevorzugt bei Frauen auftreten. Ein Neurologie-Professor der Universität Tokyo hat das ungleiche Forscherpaar auf die Reise geschickt. Dr. Shimamura, der eigentlich "über paralytische Beriberi und erbliche Schwermut" gearbeitet hat und nun durch die Lande zieht, kann zunächst nur das Übliche bei den Patientinnen diagnostizieren: Trunksucht, Kretinismus, Ovarialabszess mit Durchbruch ins Rektum. Möglich, dass die Geschichte mit den Füchsen nur eine Folklore-Erscheinung ist, möglich auch, dass der Professor die Expedition überhaupt nur als Scherz gedacht hat. Doch es dauert nicht lange, da begegnet Shimamura ihnen dann doch, den Füchsen in den Menschen ...

"Und dann kam der Fuchs.
Er schien sich, wenn er ruhte, unter Kiyos Leibwickeln aufzuhalten, denn dort arbeitete er sich nun hervor. Es war ein kleiner Fuchs, zwei bis drei Handbreit lang, je nachdem, ob er sich streckte oder ballte, denn in seinem beengten Lebensraum direkt unter Kiyos zarter weißer Haut bewegte er sich fast wie eine Raupe. Kiyo folgte ihm mit dem Finger: über den Bauch langsam hinauf in den Thorax, in die rechte, in die linke Achsel und dann vehement in den linken Oberarm hinein, wo er sich bis fast zum Ellenbogen drängte, bis dieser überstreckte und noch mehr und noch immer mehr überstreckte. Shimamura meinte es knirschen zu hören. Er stand wie ein Stein. Kiyo hechelte. Sie schien große Schmerzen zu leiden, der Schweiß trat ihr auf die Stirn und Tränen in die Augen, doch kein weiterer Schrei entkam ihr. Immer noch ein Blick des Vorwurfs: Für Sie ertrage ich das, Herr Doktor, nur für Sie."
aus: Christine Wunnicke, "Der Fuchs und Dr. Shimamura", Berenberg Verlag 2015

Tatsachen , Erklärungen, Verkleidungen
Aber wie ist das alles eigentlich zu verstehen? Metaphorisch oder direkt? Tobt da vielleicht gar kein Fuchs im Mädchen, ist der Fuchs einfach "die Mädchenseele", wie der Student an der Seite des Doktors einmal sagt?
- source : www.br.de/radio/bayern2


source : so-shiro.cocolog-nifty.com/photos/ishi

- - - - - reference - - - - -

yokai database
- source : www.nichibun.ac.jp -

Manga Nihon Mukashibanashi
- source : nihon.syoukoukai.com


. yome-iri, yomeiri  嫁入り人形  bridal dolls, wedding dolls .
and the legend of
nezumi no yome-iri ねずみの嫁入り wedding of the mice

. WKD - kigo for summer .
spell of sunshine during a rain (kitsune no yome-iri 狐の嫁入り)
literally: The Fox is taking his bride home. A fox-wedding party)

. Inari 稲荷 the "Fox Deity", "Fox God" .

. kitsune 狐 fox legends - Introduction .

. minwa 民話 folktales / densetsu 伝説 Japanese Legends . .
- Introduction -

- - - #kitsuneyomeiri #foxbride - - - - -

. Join the MINGEI group on facebook ! .  

. Regional Folk Toys from Japan .

. Japan - Shrines and Temples .

. Tohoku after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011

